Congratulations Todd Shipman – Minnesota 2019 REALTOR of the Year


todd shipman

I am incredibly happy that Todd Shipman has been named Minnesota 2019 REALTOR of the Year. I am grateful to know first-hand what a great REALTOR he is, since he helped me and my wife Michelle both find our new home and sell our old one.

Todd helped us find an amazing new home. He listened to us and got to know us enough that he was able to guide us to the right property. He helped us find a neighborhood we had not even considered. He previewed houses that we saw online so we didn’t have to go ourselves to find fatal flaws, while making sure we got to see good prospective homes as quickly as possible. He visited houses with us and helped us evaluate them – being able to understand what it might take to adapt them to our needs or which houses had flaws that might be too difficult to overcome. He’s great at communicating. He helped us connect with great inspectors, mortgage, and title professionals, and other people we needed to make our dream come true. He has a service oriented attitude and made buying – and moving into – the home as wonderful an experience as possible.

Todd also helped us sell our old house. He helped us price the home properly and provided concierge service, connecting us a network of other professionals who helped us ready our home for sale. The day we planned for the house to go into the MLS, it snowed 17 inches, paralyzing the city – but Todd went over to the house early that morning, did some final checks, shoveled for us, then let us know we didn’t have to leave home. We received three offers that snowy day. Todd discussed the offers with us and we picked one. When the buyers had requests, he helped us determine the best response. The closing went smoothly. Again, everything was so easy because of Todd’s efforts.

I will always be grateful to Todd – as a REALTOR, as a neighbor, and as a friend. He deserves every accolade.